Female Hair Transplant in Bangladesh: Success Rate, Procedure and More

Now a day’s female hair loss is also increased one in five women. May be due to aging, illness or hormonal changes. Women experience thinning all over the scalp with increasing patches when its worse. Many start using various oils, medicines, wigs or extensions but the process of hairloss goes on and when its ineffective they have to choose hair transplant. In female hair transplant surgery mini grafts are used for filling the thinning areas. The candidates seeking for female hair transplant should have dense donor area along with good thickness of graft. Mini grafts are harvested from this dense donor area and implanted in thinning area to create a denser look. The result of surgery helps camouflages thin areas.

Patient evaluation

Compared to men evaluation in depth history of female baldness is more required to attempt a clear and vision able surgery results. The various reasons need to evaluated and made sure are in control like diabetes, thyroid, stress, on going medications, hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency, malnutrition, etc. after classification of stages the number of grafts extracted are selected and then procedure is planned. After good strength of donor area we proceed for hair transplant. Usually patient should start hair medications which develop the donor area in terms of strong hair strands so that life of hair transplant is good.


Generalized Thinning with discrete areas of alopecia more in frontal, vertex and crown.
Top or front part becomes visible from where the hair partition is done.


Global diffuse thinning.
Central part of scalp becomes widening. thinning and shedding and decreased volume is noticed


Frontal temporal recession.
Scalp is totally visible with no hair.

Donor & recipient site evaluation

After surgical planning the main assessment of donor area is mandatory where we note follicular unit density, interfollicular unit distance, hair shaft diameter, color, texture and strength of hair strand. The grafts unit should have average 2-3 hairs per unit. if the average is 1.5 hair or less than it then it will not give a satisfactory result. Coarse, wavy hair of large diameter will produce a thicker and good result than compared to straight, narrow & silky donor hair.

Technique Female Hair Transplant

The technique is same as mens FUE hair transplant. But there are few points to be followed among all patients:

  • To focus on thinned patch & avoid damage of surrounding hair follicles.
  • Preserve donor area and harvest only the required number of grafts.
  • Use grafts of multiple hair

Here we use DHI technique for hair implant after harvesting with FUE avoid surrounding graft damage and to avoid shaving of recipient area. Like men females don’t allow to shave for cosmetic point of view.


Recovery in females post-operative is faster than men as compared. But there are some special precautions need to be taken because after spraying the recipient area with NS for first 7 days the scalp remains damp and cannot be combed to avoid dislodging of grafts. Proper an extra care is required in female hair transplant to keep it healthier and hygienic.